I've been debating today if I should make a New Year's resolution or not. Having spent the past year cleaning up my fitness & diet, I don't really have any big changes to make there. Well, except for losing the 3 pounds I put on over Christmas. I am thinking more along the lines of how I spend my time. I have some bad time wasting habits - especially in the winter when I can spend an evening in front of the TV watching 'junk' while sporadically surfing the net at the same time. I wish I could spend the time reading some quality material and having the discipline to meditate regularly. I know both of these would be very good for me. There is also some action I know I should be taking in terms of my spiritual life and also finding some new companionship related to this area. I believe this would reinforce and deepen my involvement in this side of life that has become so important to me. Lastly, I have to understand the priority travel has in my life and to take a trip to a destination that is on my list.
Well you make a resolution not to make any.
Posted by: Cathy | December 31, 2008 at 08:28 PM
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Posted by: vigilon | May 03, 2011 at 11:46 AM
Nice post! With new thinking and great efforts for resolution.
Logo designer
Posted by: Logo designer | May 10, 2011 at 05:25 AM