While at my mother's for Christmas I read this weeks edition of The Economist from cover to cover .. including an article on Angels. I remember a few years ago 'angels' were very much in style. There were special stores selling angel items and it seemed angels were a part of pop culture. You don't seem to hear as much about them now.
The article in The Economist really got me thinking. A woman described that a force compelled her to change lanes while driving. The lane change happened just in time to allow her to miss colliding with a car parked in the lane.She was absolutely convinced it was an angel who guided her lane change.
I had an immediate flash of recognition. Last May while vacationing in southern Italy I went on a solitary hike. The trail followed the sea and wound through trees and rocks. At times the trail was right on the edge of the sea with a steep drop off to rocks and sea below. At one point I rather carelessly took some chances where there was not much path to step on. Suddenly, looking down to the water something compelled me to stop. There was really nothing for my feet to grip and I realized I would fall if I kept following the path. Given how fast I was walking and how little I was thinking, I felt it was something other than myself that caused me to leave the path and return to the safer path away from the sea.
After reading the angel article and particularly the woman's story of the lane change, I wondered .... could it have been an angel? I think it was. Furthermore, I really like the idea that it was an angel. I haven't had many of these types of experiences in my life and it is comforting.
This is a special story, thanks for sharing. My mom collects angels and at Christmas the tree is entirely covered in angel decorations given to her by family and friends. We are big believers in the spirit of angels.
Posted by: Kel | December 30, 2008 at 02:30 PM
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Posted by: acumemeKads | December 13, 2011 at 04:19 AM
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Posted by: acumemeKads | December 13, 2011 at 04:19 AM