I wish I could be more disciplined about posting .... I posted the Quinoa Chile Recipe below because I *had* to make sure I didn't lose it. That one is a keeper.
So much news ..... I'm following (or trying to) very healthy eating lately. I did a detox cleanse a couple of months ago and saw a naturopathic doctor a few times. She got me started on testing for ph and trying to follow an acid/alkaline balancing diet. The more I learn about this, the more sense it makes. I find among my friends - a few have made dietary changes and without realizing it as such, they are following this type of diet - and with great results. I looked up the recipe for quinoa chili for one of my friends who is looking for recipes to support this type of regime. It is quite daunting at first as the list of 'no no' foods includes things contained in large quantities in a typical diet - grains, sugar and dairy. It does take a lot of organization to eat this way.
I've been obsessing about music lately ... have rediscovered The Beatles and Bob Dylan and play both of them constantly. This has been a bit expensive as well. I've always been familiar with the music of both of course - I grew up with both. Somewhere along the line, I went off The Beatles big time - actually I think it was the direction that Paul McCartney took - I found it so off putting that I stopped listening to The Beatles altogether. But now somehow, it all founds very fresh to me. Bob Dylan ... well I didn't really 'discover him' until recently. I marvel at thier brilliance now. Perhaps I had not really been ready for them until now. Which speaks volumes about their genius - really they were no more than kids when they wrote their early songs. How on earth did they write those lyrics that are so brilliant and perceptive?
I was downtown today and while driving home, happened to catch a show on CBC radio about healing drum music. They played the song 'Weighty Ghost' which was beautiful. The song is by a band from Halifax called Wintersleep. I found their My Space page and listened to a few of their songs. After which I bought a couple of the songs on iTunes.
I'm interested in healing music. I saw David Hickey in concert a couple of months ago - David plays Tibetan crystal bowls. It was quite amazing. The frequencies of the bowls align to the chakras - when he played the note that corresponds to the throat chakra, everyone starting coughing - he was clearing out that chakra. It helped that I attended the concert with several yoginis (one of whom is a nurse) to explain all of this to me - a novice. I love the idea of all of this and I do think there is a lot to it. A lot more than my analytical mind can take in and process.
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