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April 03, 2005



Wow--that food and drink sounds delicious. It's also gotten nasty here; it hailed today while i was out running. OUCH!


I feel for you and hope that spring arrives again quickly. So far our weather has tempered in the early signs of spring and is proving to be most beautiful. For this I am grateful.


Half a world away and I skipped work to stay in from the rainy cold spring and cleaned the whole house and ate homemade peanut butter cookies. Life is the same everywhere there is relative peace. I miss being in touch with all of you ;) Take care.


Staying in gives us pause and time for reflection. Spring is really just teasing us - but we'll still have some weather.

I hope you have a room where you can hear the rain on the roof. It's such a musical way to appreciate the rain without having to be drenched!

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