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October 10, 2004



I am a hybrid of: Progressive Girl and Girl Next Door. Hummm! Does that mean I am neurotic and overly changable? Perhaps. Interesting quiz and results. Thanks. :-D


According to the quiz a progressive girl owns any of the following: a water filter, a tabletop fountain, an acre of rain forest, a mutt from the pound.

Well, do YOU won any of those Ms Progressive?


All except the acre of rainforest (well and the mutt from the pound is two kitties) Pretty close!


I am also Progressive Girl!


Seems like a lot of Progrssive Girls hang out here! While I was I fit in to the definition of the progressive chica, I shared many traits with Culinary Girl. I cannot imagine life without my KitchenAid mixer. Or my crepe pan, waffle maker,springform pans, or my poppy seed grinder...

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