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June 18, 2004



Why is it that sometimes no matter what we do or how hard we try, we can never strike a balance between work, home and play? It seems like when one or two areas are going well, the third area isn't ... then there's that saying, "you can't appreciate the highs without the lows," which is true.

I'm really happy that at least the new relationship has managed to bring you back up even though work has been painful. I hope work improves soon for you! [insert extra large hug here!]


****HAPPY DANCE!****

David St Lawrence

Nice that some things are going well.
A new relationship has such magic!
May you both find what you are looking for in each other. As long as you can keep the communication lines open between you, you will be fine.

Be well, and enjoy your new happiness!

Beth W.

A non-vegetarian who cooks a vegetarian dinner for you sounds like a keeper!


"On the one hand it scares me half to death and on the other it makes me want to run through the neighbourhood (even at this hour) in sheer happiness."One of the most beautiful sentiments ever written. Savor the moment. I hope it lasts. (The sheer happiness part. The scared half to death part can go quietly.)

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