Whenever it gets hot I start craving this salad ..... I bought all the ingredients last night and looked forward to having this for dinner all day long. Here is my version of a Caprese Salad - this is what evolved after having many different versions of this in restaurants over the years.
Arrange on a plate -
3 plum tomatoes, halved and sliced thickly
slivers of red onion
several medium size bocconcini cheese balls sliced
5-6 leaves of fresh basil sliced thinly
Add a sprinkling of salt and several grinds of fresh black pepper
Add to taste - olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Braggs all-purpose seasoning
Let the dressing sink into the cheese for a few seconds - I can never wait too long before devouring.
I have this for dinner at least once a week all summer - especially after my basil plants are big enough to harvest.
A note about the Braggs - I use this stuff like crazy - I put it on and in everything - from soup to vegetables to salad. I could absolutely not live without it. It is like a thinner, richer tamari sauce. It improves the flavour of everything.
YUM! Thanks for the hint on Braggs. Have you ever tried Maggi Seasoning? I put a little in my dressings with some fresh squeezed lemon juice and crushed garlic {of coarse} and I am in heaven. I am grateful for the walk in your kitchen. :-)
Posted by: Sallie | June 10, 2004 at 03:22 AM
I love Caprese as well, but I'm a purist, no onions, no Braggs, no vinegar. Just make sure everything is really fresh, and the olive oil is good. Oh, and thanks for stirring up some great memories.
Posted by: nina | June 10, 2004 at 07:45 PM
Try a caprese salad on a bed of mixed greens with thinly sliced red onions and avocado. Drizzle with a raspberry vinaigarette and enjoy a new take on a classic recipe.
Posted by: Antonio | July 20, 2004 at 05:57 PM
Try a caprese salad on a bed of mixed greens with thinly sliced red onions and avocado. Drizzle with a raspberry vinaigarette and enjoy a new take on a classic recipe.
Posted by: Antonio | July 20, 2004 at 05:57 PM
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