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April 03, 2004



Thank you for your 100 Things. They were fun to read. I, too, like to know something about the authors of the blogs I read. I need to update my 100 Things. A few of them are out-of-date and I need to add some new ones. 150 Things perhaps?


Very cool, Wendy! I love reading the 100 things people post. I have tried to do it myself but always stop somewhere in the middle. Thanks for posting it for us to read :)


First, thanks so much for sending energy. I'm getting through this somehow, and every little bit helps.
Now, how dare you hide from the world your curly hair. Straight hair is boring. Curly hair is pure personality. : ^ )

I really should do one of those 100 Things but I'm not really sure what I'd want to say. We do have two cats though and two kids, and I love dogs. Could be a start.

Have a great Sunday!

Michael Nobbs

Hi Wendy - I did enjoy reading your 100 things. I keep thinking I should add something similar to my site. Perhaps one day...


Thanks for the insight; it's always nice to have a clearer picture of someone you've taken a liking to. While mystery is great, we often create a visual image and if it is shattered by reality too late in the relationship, it's hard to get back into the feeling. Pleased to meet you!


Wendy, what a wonderful list! I never knew your astrological sign ;-) -- and I just learned many more interesting things about you! Thanks for sharing it, your humor and ability to laugh at life shines through your list, as well as your strong sense of values and the things that are important to you...it would be challenging but probably a good exercise for me to do one of these days.


I finally read your blog and I am VERY IMPRESSED! Also I learned some things that I did not know about you. See you Thursday for hopefully another perfect evening.


I loved reading your list and you helped to push me to complete mine, though it's not 100 ...
better something than none at all. Thanks for being my inspiration!

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