Of the 'it never rains but it pours variety'. I mean work .... all the documentation that I have been patiently waiting for so I can begin my QA reviews and test plans arrived. For two large projects ... on the same day. Arggggg....
So dinner plans have been cancelled and I am sitting at work feeling very stressed.
By the way .... do you ever notice how people behave in the company car park? It's bizarre. One of my co-workers and I both have a '5k radius' rule - we behave very nicely within 5 km of the office - that person you don't let into your lane might be riding up the elevator with you.
Not everyone shares our philosophy it seems ... some very bad behaviour in the company parking lot. One of the guys in our department had an incident recently where someone in the parking lot was in a rage at some perceived infraction and threatened to beat him up - got right out of the car and went up to his car window. It didn't take my co-worker long to figure out the identity of the person - turns out he is a manager in one of our sister organizations. He has since been known to us as 'road rage guy'. I'm quite sure he regrets that 2 minutes of his life and will for as long as he works here.
oops! Hope your night is better than your early evening/and day. :-)
Posted by: Sallie | February 12, 2004 at 12:24 AM
Church parking lots can also be nightmares which seems like a contradiction in terms. A relative who worked as a cook at a local aerospace plant was getting into his car--and another of the cooks with more seniority accosted him and they got into a fight. My relative got fired the following day. Go figure though I'm willing to admit there might have been more going on than I was told.
Posted by: Fran | February 12, 2004 at 03:54 AM
Whenver I saw 'road rage guy', I'd do stuff like get down on my knees and scream, "Please don't kill me man, this is the only way I know to the kitchen. By all that's holy; I, WANT, TO, LIVE!"
But of course I'm also nutters, so you probably shouldn't take my advice :)
Posted by: Dale | February 12, 2004 at 10:47 AM
I admit, every time someone cuts me off in the rotary I find myself thinking, "Please turn right into our parking lot. Oh, please turn right into our parking lot so I can say something cutting as we walk into the building."
Posted by: Ana | February 12, 2004 at 12:15 PM
I make myself say something nice to the person so as not to let myself get worked up over someone else's behavior. My favorites are, "Go ahead, cupcake" and "Bless your heart." Of course I say it in my car so they never hear me, but it diffuses anger and often makes me laugh at how often we are looking for an excuse to get mad at someone because we're pissed off about something else. Another person's bad behavior is never about you--it's totally about them and what's going on in their lives. Whoopsie...must be channeling my dad this morning. I'm getting off the pulpit now.
Posted by: Ellie | February 12, 2004 at 02:08 PM