It seems I am always stumbling across more personality tests on the web - <a href="">this site </a>is interesting because it does Enneagram testing - there is one test that combines the enneagram and the meyer-briggs tests. Hmmm... interesting. I haven't done one that one yet but will. Years ago I bought a book on the enneagram and never was able to place myself in a category - no matter how hard I tried.
The tests are fun and it helps to take them with a grain of salt I think.
The one thing I did gain from taking a meyers-briggs test - through their explanations I was able to see that everyone reacts differently to situations based on their personality. This helped me understand something that had happened not long before with one of my 'friends' - he told me because I did not react the same way he did when we were fighting, it meant I did not live up to his notion of what a friend is meant to be - I had somehow failed him. I understand my reactions necessarily will be different from his. Now I understand that his reaction to that fight speaks more about him than me.
I am finally willing to admit I am an ESFJ as much as I hate to!
Posted by: wendy | October 15, 2003 at 08:22 PM
Oh man, I was going to post about enneagrams and here you did. I have had a book recommended to me, Understanding the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson. I took their online test ( and tied for a #2(helper) and #9(peacemaker). Talking to a counselor friend of mine, I have been affirmed as a 2. I forget what my MB came out to be. Borderline EI but more of an I. INFP or INFJ? I will go take it again, now I am curious.
Posted by: Alicia | October 15, 2003 at 11:04 PM
hey!!! i'm an ESFJ, too ;)
Posted by: Dee | October 16, 2003 at 12:03 AM
Okay, this said I was an ENTJ. I must be in some kind of overanalytical mood because that isn't what I have gotten before. Maybe it is just the MBTI for the dominant personality in my set right now :) At least the N is the same.
Posted by: Alicia | October 16, 2003 at 01:12 AM
just posted my test results. glad you brought this up again. it does feel like ages ago! :-) k
Posted by: gemini | October 16, 2003 at 01:31 AM
ENTP--almost totally opposite you :) I've been meaning to post about this on my blog for a while, too!
Posted by: angel | October 16, 2003 at 10:56 PM
I love finding out what types you all are!
Posted by: wendy | October 16, 2003 at 11:51 PM
I'm E3w2 and ENTP.
Anyone wanna talk about either the MBTI or Enne, email me at [email protected]
I have TONS of sites, and are more than happy to share!!
~ James
Posted by: James the Great | November 10, 2003 at 09:35 PM